Ok, let's see here. I'm barely scraping by financially. The car has issues (though nothing major yet). My current project needs a major overhaul. Neither of my sports teams are giving me much to cheer about right now. I'm getting rejection after rejection. I've got a cricket in my wall that's making it hard to sleep. I'm pretty well stressed out.....
..... someone want to explain why I'm bouncing in joy like I just won the super bowl?
I mean, really. What's up with that? By all accounts I should be having a nervous breakdown by now. I should be punching holes in walls, or sobbing, or just going numb. So way aren't I? What's wrong with me? Maybe nothing. It's something I've come to realize over my years. Just because the world is ending doesn't mean the world has to, you know, end. Life does go on. But still, where's the joy coming from?
I'll skip the religious opinion out of respect. This isn't church. It's an author's blog. :) Though I do think one part of it is helping. My religion calls on me to keep the sabbath holy. Meaning we are meant to rest on it. Religion aside, I think that's a good idea anyway. Every semester of college, I made it a point to take one class I expected to be fun. I did that to ensure I didn't get burnt out by all the hard work that was needed. In that same spirit, taking a day off every week let's me relax, unwind, and recover from everything else. For one day a week I get to breath, or scream, as the case can sometimes be. Pointless? Maybe. But then again, see the above and ask yourself; you so sure about that?
Then there's the little things. The tiny joys. Remember my last post about the priceless moments? Now I point out the every day ones. Every day I have time, I spend some on an online game. "*Gasp* You play World of Warcraft. I knew it!" Lol, no. I play Perfect World instead. Only after a long day's work writing though. Or for few minutes between when I need to get my head out of my made-up worlds for a while. Every writer has our distractions we run to when we need them. Some go hiking, do yard work, watch TV, play with the pets. I play an online game. We need it to come down from our wrestling match with the story, the inner writer, and the many voices telling us what's wrong with it.
There's also the timeless truth my mother once mentioned that I took to heart. "After a while, there comes a point where you can either laugh, or cry. I choose to laugh." Think about that for a moment. Re-read my list of problems. Now add something else. Just pick any random disaster, and toss it on there. Imagine I'm telling you about all this, and then a minute later, while talking with someone else where you know I can't hear or see you, they tell you about another random disaster that just hit me. You're smiling aren't you? Come on now. Even for that initial split second, you can't help but lift the corners of your mouth thinking, "Sheesh. What next?" I wouldn't blame you. Mostly because I'm more than likely on my knees laughing in the next room.
I think I lost my point somewhere along the way. Or did I? Isn't the point that it doesn't make sense why I'm feeling so good despite everything? Didn't I just explain why? I didn't? Huh. Guess I don't know either. Bah, who cares?! I'm pretty sure that pop I just heard was the car tire blowing up. Or maybe the stove exploded. Look on the bright side. At least I'll know what to talk about next post.
If you weren't smiling before, I bet you are now.
SEE?! Told ya, told ya!