A short story of mine, titled "The Line", has been included in a wolf themed anthology printed by the Wolfwatchers Coalition. The proceeds go to pro-wolf goals, and I am but one of many writers, poets, and artists included in this collection.
Even so, that first time is the hardest to achieve. Now I have something to add to query letters. Now my work can be seen. And with one, more will come in time. "Luna, the Lone Wolf" is, for all intents and purposes, finished. It just needs a home. With this first publication, the chances of me finding a home for it grow significantly.
For now though, do purchase a copy of the anthology via the link below. We don't get any money out of this. But we do get exposure. Last year's anthology was #1 on Amazon for a month. If that happens again, it could lead to so much for all of us. So share the link. Read the anthology. View the art. Then tell your friends about it. Let's see if we can keep it at #1 for TWO months this time.
You can purchase your copy here.