There's no cause for alarm though. This is far from the end. I've quoted the Last Lecture before, but I'll do so again. "The walls are there to test how much you want things."
Let's face it, the wall I'm looking at now is a pretty big one. It doesn't change anything. I'll find a way around it. I don't know how yet. Between a rather aggressive stomach flu and the failed Kickstarter, I decided to take a couple days to find my head, much less screw it back on, before I did anything. I'm reaching that state now, so hopefully I'll have a game plan by Monday.
And it's not like the work is all for naught. I still have the commissioned art coming in, so that gives me some options. "Luna, the Lone Wolf" is finished, or as finished as I can make it. Work on "Blood of an Alpha" is moving fast. I have short stories I could fix up, and they might lead to something. I have a sci-fi that I thought had a final draft, but now realize it needs serious world building help, which means it can only get better. I have two fantasy stories I haven't delved into (yet). Then there's the wild card I haven't thought of, whatever that may be.
So really, I cannot say enough how much I appreciate the messages I've been getting. I also hope you all know, you needn't worry. The blog will continue for one. My efforts on getting published will too for another. That doesn't count the continuing work on "Blood of an Alpha". "Luna, the Lone Wolf" will be published. By my original date of September 2015? Stranger things have happened to me.
Still, thank you. It means a lot to know I have people who care. I hope to reward your words of encouragement soon. For now, I leave you with the same words one of you reminded me of.
"Have a little faith."